Ink on Paper



Discover the ethereal beauty and raw emotion captured in “Complicated,” an exquisite artwork that delves into the depths of human vulnerability and fragility. Every element of this artwork is carefully created using organic homemade wild berry ink, infusing it with a connection to nature and the importance of cherishing our environment while cherishing our emotions.

Complicated” is an exceptional masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on your heart and mind. The artwork serves as a poignant reminder that these aspects are not weaknesses but rather sources of strength, fostering empathy and compassion towards us and others.

Let this extraordinary artwork remind you of the strength found in embracing your fragility and honouring the beauty of vulnerability. A true testament to the boundless power of art, this piece will find its way into your heart and soul, becoming a cherished addition to your art collection.



Title: Complicated

Medium: Organic Homemade Saskatoon, Raspberry, Cherry and Blueberry Ink on Paper

Dimensions: 16”x 20”- Framed

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 50 × 10 × 70 cm